COVID-19 Resources

Coronavirus Updates
This article will be updated with new information as it becomes available. Last updated 05/3/2023. The Federal Public Health Emergency will no longer be in place as of May 12, 2023. As a result, some policy changes may be reinstated.
- COVID-19
- Mental Health
Can Staying in the Moment Improve Your Health?
Mindfulness exercises can help you steer away from this type of thinking to focus on the present and accept it without judgment.
Continue readingabout Can Staying in the Moment Improve Your Health?...

- COVID-19
Caring for Someone Who Is Sick
Most people who get COVID-19 will recover with time and home care Here are some things to know if you're caring for someone who's sick. Treat the symptoms Common symptoms...
- COVID-19
Feeling Alone
Tips to stay connected if you are feeling lonely The need to stay at home and limit contact with others is important right now, but it can be lonely and...
- COVID-19
Guidelines for a Healthy Diet
To prevent disease, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend a healthy eating pattern All food and drink choices matter. Healthy eating includes eating lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and...
- COVID-19
How to Prevent Foggy Eyeglasses When Wearing a Mask
If you wear eyeglasses, one consequence when wearing a mask is having your lenses fog up. But there are simple solutions that can help you be fog-free.
Continue readingabout How to Prevent Foggy Eyeglasses When Wearing a Mask ...

- COVID-19
How to Use Telehealth/Telemedicine
People with chronic medical problems, and those over age 65, are at increased risk of serious complications from the coronavirus. One way to reduce that risk is to limit in-person...

- COVID-19
Managing Anxiety
Dealing with worry and anxiety about the coronavirus It's normal to feel worried during times of stress. Many people struggle with anxiety in the best of times. Here are some...
- COVID-19
Practicing Mindfulness For Older Adults
Many of us spend too much time planning, problem-solving, or worrying about things we can’t control. Especially now that the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has changed the world we live in...
Continue readingabout Practicing Mindfulness For Older Adults...
- COVID-19
Reducing Loneliness While Social Distancing
Social relationships are important to your overall health. With social distancing now the norm due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, it’s more important than ever to look for ways to stay connected.
Continue readingabout Reducing Loneliness While Social Distancing...

- COVID-19
Staying Active
Tips for staying active at home It's best to increase your activity in all three areas of fitness: flexibility, aerobic fitness, and muscle fitness. You can work on all three...
Health Library A-Z
CarePartners of Connecticut has partnered with Healthwise to provide you with access to a library of high-quality content on conditions, treatments, and more.
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