Exercising with Chronic Pain and Swelling

Regular exercise is a key component of good health. But if you have pain and swelling in your legs, feet, or other parts of your body during or after exercise, it can be difficult to stick to a routine.
What is gout, and how do you know if your pain and swelling is caused by gout?
Gout is a type of arthritis, which is a condition that affects the joints or tissues around your joints.
Gout is caused by an excess of uric acid in the body, which can cause crystals to build up in your joints, fluids, and tissues. Gout is a common cause of swelling in the feet, particularly the big toe joint.
Talk to your health care provider if you suspect you may have gout, as the signs and symptoms can look like other inflammatory diseases that cause swelling in the joints.
Is it safe to exercise with gout and other types of arthritis?
Yes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that physical activity is beneficial for arthritis. It can help reduce the pain and stiffness related to arthritis—meaning, it can actually help you move better!
Choose activities that are easier on the joints, like brisk walking, bicycling, swimming, and other low-impact exercises. Other good choices are stretches and flexibility exercises (including yoga and tai chi) and strength training.
Tips for getting and staying physically activity
Here are some strategies to help you start and stick with an exercise program:
- Warm up and cool down—A simple warm up could be a 5-minute walk followed by stretching. Start at the top of your body and work your way down, feeling for a gentle, not painful, pull in your muscles.
- As needed, modify your routine to decrease the intensity—This can mean exercising fewer days per week, or exercising for shorter periods at a time.
- Experiment with other forms of exercise—If you discover walking is too much on your joints, try something else. Maybe swimming will feel good!
- Remember exercise isn't “all or nothing”—Generally, experts recommend 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week. But every minute counts, and whatever exercise you can do will always be better for you than none.
- Talk to your health care provider—Each person's situation is different, so it‘s wise to run your exercise plan by your physician to ensure you aren't going to further damage vulnerable joints.
Is it normal to experience pain after starting a new form of exercise?
It can be normal to experience pain, stiffness, and swelling in the days following a new exercise—simply because your body needs time to adjust to the movement you're asking it to do. As your body adapts, you'll experience less of this pain.
Can you continue to exercise during a flare up?
It’s common with gout and arthritis to experience flares, or periods when your symptoms are worse. During flares, you can continue to exercise by decreasing the intensity or focusing on a different area of your body.